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A J Robinson

Updated: May 10, 2020

Sitting in bed as I write this... I've just taught my online stretch class to clients and friends. During lockdown from Covid-19 I've had lots of time for reflection. This isn't something that I usually post but feel now it's perhaps time to do so.

Despite everything going on in the world right now, I feel very lucky.

Lucky to be here.

Lucky to have good health.

Lucky to be spending time with my family. A roof over my head, food in the cupboards and clothes on my back.

Lucky to own a business and for my clients and friends to be supporting me. Work is busy... but not so much now that I feel overwhelmed.

Lucky that I have opportunity... future travel plans, experiences. A way to connect with family and friends whom I cannot physically be with at this moment.

Lucky that our country has amazing services to offer us and to help us through this uncertain time. The workers that have continued to work through this pandemic for the sake of our health and our country.

Lucky indeed.

It has been a time for me to work on things for myself, or to enjoy the "little" moments. Taking time to meditate, exercise, craft, learn a language, take an online course, do a jigsaw, listen to music, have a lie-in, sit in the sun watching the bees buzz by, grow fruit and vegetables from seeds, do nothing all day if I wish, bake a cake or cook dinner to eat together with my family. All the things that usually just get pushed to the end of the list because so-called "normal" life gets in the way. For the first time in a long time my head feels clear.

There's a growing sense of community once again, as we smile at a stranger walking past us in the street, or clapping for the key-workers every Thursday at 8pm to show our support and build morale. The chalk drawings from children on the pavements while out on my runs, or the rainbows and teddy bears decorating the windows down our street. It also seems that our appreciation for arts has been re-ignited. For most of us during this time we have sat down to watch a film, read or listen to music... none of which would be possible without the creators or artists of our world.

Let's use this time to continue to grow. Grow ourselves, grow our communities and grow our country. Support each and every job, subject and trade. Buy from local businesses, and show love to all.

I know it shouldn't have to be this way... for us to be thrown in the deep end of a pandemic before we say we feel "lucky" or for us to appreciate life, but if there's one thing I hope we can all take from the Covid-19 Pandemic, it's that life should be cherished. We shouldn't let it rush by. We must make time for ourselves and tell people when we appreciate them, and we must feel extremely lucky every single step of the way.

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